In order to achieve the highest supply standards, the quality control developed by OTM Fortini includes, in addition to the usual traditional bench instruments, such as gauges, micrometers, bore gauges, roughness gauges (regularly
calibrated by external laboratories), continuous scanning machines such as CMM Mitutoyo Crysta Apex S 7106 and SCANMAX ZEISS measuring machine.
These allow us to monitor, both during processing and at the end process
the conformity of the product, attaching, if necessary, all the certificates relating to the particular manufactured, starting from that of the material, arriving at that of the heat or surface treatments, and finally those
on the dimensional checks of our competence.
Control charts and processing cycles follow step by step all the operations performed for each individual order in order to have product traceability and verify any variations
or drifts.
We are able to provide sampling forms such as PPAP - FMEA - R&R - ISIR - MSA - CONTROL PLAN